Comparing Aspects of Mobile Broadband and Fixed Line (ADSL)

Broadband connections can be either landline or mobile based, and each option comes with its own pros and cons. Currently, most homes have what is known as fixed line broadband that delivers a fast Internet connection through means of a fiber optic cable or a telephone wire (ADSL). Mobile broadband is based upon the same type of technology, and offers greater flexibility but slower performance. Taking a look at the positives and negatives of each broadband option will help consumers make the choice as to which type of connection is right for them.

Advantages of Mobile Broadband

mobile broadbandAs long as you can receive 3G reception, mobile broadband allows for on the go access to everything from emails, YouTube, Facebook, or the latest weather, news, or sports results. This allows users access to the Internet with their iPad, netbook, laptop, or tablet from wherever they are. Using mobile broadband also eliminates the need for continuing to pay for a landline phone line which they probably rarely use these days.

The mobile option is also great because it installs all of the software needed to connect to the Internet automatically by just plugging in your USB modem. Mobile broadband plans are usually flexible so that it’s easy to find a plan that fits your personal usage needs, without overpaying.

Disadvantages of Mobile Broadband

There are a few downsides when using mobile broadband, such as having low download limits. Most plans only offer a maximum of 15GB per month, so you need to stay within your limits to avoid paying more for overages that come at an expensive cost. Users will also find that connection speeds are slower when using mobile broadband, making it difficult to download larger files.

At times, coverage may be limited in rural areas, so it is wise to check the coverage in your area before committing to a plan. However, there have been some major improvements made in the area of speed and coverage, such as with those plans offered by iiNet mobile broadband.

Advantages of A Fixed Line Broadband Connection

ADSL routerThe cost of fixed line broadband has gone down significantly, and is sometimes even offered free when combined with other paid services. Fixed line plans also allow for high volumes of downloads each month so that you can take advantage of everything the Internet has to offer. Most fixed line connections are also fairly fast, with connection speeds increasing all the time. A fixed line option set up in the home also offers a reliable, dependable, and stable connection because it is always in the same location.

[Read also: How to Improve A Slow Internet Connection]

Disadvantages of Using A Fixed Line Connection

Just as the stable connection that remains in one place can be a positive thing, it can also be a negative thing. Having your connection in only one spot means that you will have to connect other computers or devices through a wireless router, which limits how far you can travel from the connection. Your connection may be limited to inside the home, or close by in the yard or garage. Some people who are not computer savvy may also find it difficult to set up a wireless router to use for this purpose.

It also costs money to have a fixed line, as these days, people may be paying to use it only for the sake of a broadband connection. Sometimes there are even issues customers encounter when attempting to switch broadband providers, which may end up costing them more money for cease and re-provide costs.

Which Type of Broadband Connection Is Right for You?

After you know more about your broadband speed and take into consideration how much you actually use the Internet and what you use it for, it will make it easier to decide which option is right for you. Today, there are good values available in both fixed line connections and mobile broadband options.

Determine how much speed you need, how many downloads you do each month, how much you are willing to pay, and how mobile you desire to be when determining which broadband plan is right for you. Typically, there are several price and usage options when choosing either type of connection, so examining your personal needs to help you select the right plan.

[Recommended reading: Broadband 2000x Faster – and for the same price!]


  1. Patricia Urban
    • Peter Lee
  2. Ed Pierce
    • Peter Lee
  3. Morgan