Mac or PC – Which is better?

When it comes to laptops, there is one major war fought between two giants. While some users prefer to stay neutral, there are those who would rather take sides. So in the competition where you are given the choice to pick a Mac or PC – which is better? Let us take a look at the features, highlights and limitations:

Mac vs PC
Which type of computer is right for you? Mac or PC?


When buying a computer, some users take a look at the specs of a particular brand and model, make their decision and take that unit home. Others, however, are not always satisfied with what they see and prefer to customize their computers based on certain specifications. Maybe they want a bigger memory capacity or a faster processor or want a basic unit on which they can build and expand later. This is an exciting capability for many computer users since they can actually create a very personal PC – the PC of their dreams. With a Mac, this is virtually impossible. You get the specs but the hardware is pretty much what you will have to work with for as long as the unit functions. If you need more memory, for example, you will find that an external hard drive is a very useful device in this matter for the Mac. With a PC, it is often a matter of putting in more hardware to enhance your experience.


It is generally easier to look for compatible software, tools and accessories for PCs than for Macs. Many software and hardware manufacturers provide a range of solutions that are specifically designed to work with a PC. For users with older machines or software versions, PCs are also backward compatible. Windows 7, for example, can be installed and used on a PC that was manufactured several years before the operating system was released. A Mac will not be so accommodating. A Power Mac G5, for example, will not run Snow Leopard. For users who do not find this comfortable, the PC is the better choice. For those who prefer to use new systems with new hardware, then the Mac trumps all.

[Read also: How to Get Rid of Your Old Computers]

Advanced software

Apple, Inc. is known for its innovative approach to computing, so Mac users naturally have the bragging rights when it comes to getting to use the newest, coolest app or gadgets such as the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. PC users, however, have better access to numerous freeware and open source programs.

[Read also: Gesture Control Your Computer with The Leap]


Mac users often boast that they have a safer way to surf the Internet than PC users. To a large extent, this is true. Macs are rarely the target of malware attacks and no notable virus has been written specifically to attack the brand. The reduced number of its users also allows the company to focus much of their strategy on excellent technical support and security measures.


Thankfully, the days of the chunky computer is long gone and designs of new models take aesthetics into consideration. In this aspect, the Mac is easily ahead of the race. Macs are known for their elegant designs and stunning lines. If impressive features are a must, then a Mac is the better choice over a PC.

So which one is better – a Mac or PC? That really depends on what the user wants to do and is comfortable with. Weigh the pros and cons based on your work needs and personal requirements to get the best out of the brand and model of your choice.

So, which is better? Are you Team Mac or Team PC? Let us know in the comments.


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