gets PageRank 3

Google updated PageRank today and got a promotion 🙂

Our site got PR3 from the previous PR2. Our PR has been slowly improved bit by bit : PR1 in the first quarter, PR2 in the second quarter and now PR3. Will it get PR4 at the end of this year? We hope so but it’s not going to be easy at all 🙂

Google PR update

Google PR update (August 2012)

A glance through our internal pages saw some pages have got an increased as well as decreased in PR. We will look into this and try to find out what could have caused the PR changes to these pages.

Our internal pages that also promoted to PR3 :

1. E-mail Etiquette that you are expected to know

2. How to Recover Windows Data Using Data Recovery Software

3. Mac or PC – Which is better?

Our internal page that maintained as PR3 :

1. Why an External Hard Drive is Important to You

The rest of our internal pages are PR0, PR1 and mostly PR2.

As for the home page, we credited the increased in PR to guest posting. We have been consistently guest posting for a few blogs with the same niche and seems like our hardwork had paid off. The increased in PR shows that we must have been doing the right thing for the blog so far.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our readers, commenters, fellow bloggers and guest authors whom we think also contributed to this and had worked together to make this possible.

We still need to work hard to improve this blog. PR3 is pretty common these days but it’s always nice to get an increased, right? 🙂

Watch Matt Cutts explains how do PR updates work :

So how did the latest Google PR update turn out for your site/s? Could you share any tips to increase your site’s PR on the next PR update? Let us know in the comments.


  1. Amit Shaw
    • Peter Lee
      • Amit Shaw
        • Peter Lee
  2. umar satti
    • Peter Lee
  3. Ashish
    • Peter Lee
  4. Ashish
    • Peter Lee
  5. Atish
    • Peter Lee
      • Atish
  6. Rick
    • Peter Lee
  7. Daniel
    • Peter Lee
  8. Maninder
    • Peter Lee
  9. Ray
    • Peter Lee
  10. Jean
    • Peter Lee
  11. Christopher Roberts
    • Peter Lee
  12. Katherine
    • Peter Lee
  13. Rohit
    • Peter Lee
      • Rohit
        • Peter Lee
  14. Peter
    • Peter Lee
  15. Ahsan
    • Peter Lee
  16. Neebo
    • Peter Lee
  17. Praveen Bhardwaj
    • Peter Lee
  18. Rohit