Google updated PageRank today and got a promotion 🙂
Our site got PR3 from the previous PR2. Our PR has been slowly improved bit by bit : PR1 in the first quarter, PR2 in the second quarter and now PR3. Will it get PR4 at the end of this year? We hope so but it’s not going to be easy at all 🙂

Google PR update (August 2012)
A glance through our internal pages saw some pages have got an increased as well as decreased in PR. We will look into this and try to find out what could have caused the PR changes to these pages.
Our internal pages that also promoted to PR3 :
1. E-mail Etiquette that you are expected to know
2. How to Recover Windows Data Using Data Recovery Software
3. Mac or PC – Which is better?
Our internal page that maintained as PR3 :
1. Why an External Hard Drive is Important to You
The rest of our internal pages are PR0, PR1 and mostly PR2.
As for the home page, we credited the increased in PR to guest posting. We have been consistently guest posting for a few blogs with the same niche and seems like our hardwork had paid off. The increased in PR shows that we must have been doing the right thing for the blog so far.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our readers, commenters, fellow bloggers and guest authors whom we think also contributed to this and had worked together to make this possible.
We still need to work hard to improve this blog. PR3 is pretty common these days but it’s always nice to get an increased, right? 🙂
Watch Matt Cutts explains how do PR updates work :
So how did the latest Google PR update turn out for your site/s? Could you share any tips to increase your site’s PR on the next PR update? Let us know in the comments.
Congratulation Peter. Best of luck for Next PR. Wish Me too 😛
Thanks, Amit! Yea, I wish all your sites the best of luck on the next PR update too 🙂
Am Really Happy for My Technoinsta : PR 3 and AndroidFirm : PR 2
Hope you know the Age of this blogs 😀
But expected good PR for ITC But Bad. Will try on Next Time.
Yes you should be happy and I’m really proud of what technoinsta and androidfirm had acheieved despite their “young age” 🙂 We should enjoy the moment, but let’s not get overly excited about PR because it really is not what blogging is all about anyway.
Video is Quite helpful 🙂
How’s your site doing, Umar?
great video thx for sharing really helpful.
You’re welcome, Ashish! Any changes on your site’s PR?
no actually i m confused about this topic how to get pr plz help me to sort my trouble.
I suggest you Google search : How to improve PageRank. There’re tons of articles out there written by experience bloggers that are very good in this, Ashish.
Congratulations Peter! Finally your hard work paid and CHG promoted to PR3. Great! My sites PR is as it is But new posts got Better PR . Found 10+ pages with PR 3.
Congrats Again!
Thanks, Atish! I’ve learned a lot from you and TTW. PR can go up as well as going down. I think the hardest part is maintaining at a decent PR such as 3 and above. So if the homepage is maintaining at PR3, then it’s still GOOD! 🙂 I’m glad your other pages had done well too! Congrats to you as well!
Thanks Peter.
This does not surprise me… The content you feature here is awesome! I have been blogging for several years and I can tell you this… “you are a natural at it”…
PR4 is heading your way!
Thanks for the kind words, Rick 🙂 You and What’s On My PC are always inspirational.
Congratulations! PR3 is fantastic, hope one day, I’ll reach it, too. Thanks for the video, that was very useful!
You’re welcome, Daniel!
Congrats for coming this far. All the best for future updates as well.
Thanks! Same to you, Maninder.
Nice work Peter. I haven’t had time to follow Google Pagerank or SEO that much lately. I was just telling myself the other day though that I it’s been a while since the last update we should be do here pretty soon. My main homepage was a pr4 at one time. If I remember right it had one or two very high pr links pointing to it that only had a couple of other outbound links. I didn’t post them either someone just naturally linked to my site. One of the sites has changed it’s content and doesn’t link to me anymore. The other still does, but the particular post has since lost some of it’s pr. So sometimes is only takes one or two good solid links to your site.
Hey thanks, Ray! Yea I do agree with you. Sometimes it’s the quality that matters the most, not the quantity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you here for helping me out in CSS tweaking to make my site looks better. I owe you one 🙂
So, it’s not just how many links your page can get, but also about how reputable those page are.
This is fair 🙂
Exactly, Jean!
Congratulations Peter, a great achievement 🙂
For your interest Technology Bloggers remained at its rank of 4. We are just over 15 months old now and have climbed from a 0 to a 2 to a 3 and then a 4 which we are now on.
Good luck for the future, I am sure it will grow further, just give it time 🙂
I’m sure Technology Bloggers will grow further too. Thanks for the encouragement, Christopher. I’m glad you stopped by.
Congratulations for the job well done…..I wish I could get back my PR3 too, unfortunately, it is now PR2. 🙁
You have a great blog, keep building quality backlinks and I’m sure you’ll get PR3 back very soon. Thanks for stopping by, Katherine 🙂
Pretty late, but still congratulation on getting a PR 3 Peter. As you yourself have said in your post PR 3 is pretty common these days. Actually i have noticed that even a 2 months old site getting a PR 3 So, my opinion don’t differ from you but the thing is people care too much about page rank. I really doubt that Page Rank weigh that much right now as it was supposed to be in the past and I am not alone who believe this, there are some SEO experts who agree with the same theory. The thing is Google keeps changing it’s Search algorithm and Social Networking platform plays a major role in it, If your article getting a high attention from Social networking sites then their are really high chances that it will rank better in search results even if you have a Page Rank 0 (From my own personal experience). Really like to know your experience and opinion about this.
I’m aware of new sites getting PR3 and above. Some even as new as 1-month old has got a PR4. Better still, most of these new sites are not only new but they have less than 10 blog posts. It seems that content is NOT king when it comes to getting a decent PR. I’m not very into this PR thing actually. The reason I wrote this article is that I’m very proud of my blog and the hard work that I’ve done so far, hence the article to just “reward” myself and enjoy the moment of the PR increased. Regarding your point on the social media, I think it’s true. I’ve seen some of my lower PR articles that have more social media shares are ranking better in SERP. I guess we can’t ignore the influence of social media, huh? How’s your site’s PR doing then, Rohit?
Got a direct jump from PR0 to PR3 but still looking for PR5(to have more credibility) in next Public PR update which might will take place in November. We tried to boost the Site initial page load speed and now scoring 98% ( Tested in Hope this might help us in Next PR.
Congrats on getting PR3, Rohit! And thanks for sharing your tips. Hope your site will get what you want in the next PR update.
Congratulations. Its good to see that hard works pays off.
congrats on getting PR 3. My site is still PR 2. Hope it’ll update next time. Can you tell me how I know inner page PR automatically. I check manually but it takes lots of time
Download and install SEO Quake. Enter this in Google search:-
I didn’t have a PR before the update, since my website was only two months old, but then we got 2 and we are very proud! 🙂
That’s great! 🙂
I currently have PR O. But I’m putting in a lot of efforts and hope atleast for PR 2.
Hope you will get it on the next PR update then 🙂
congrats peter for your page rank update..
I hope and i am sure about the fact that you will get PR4 next time…
keep up the good work 🙂