Gadgets are great aren’t they? Little pieces of technology that make our lives so much better and simpler and the technology industry just keeps throwing them at us. Aren’t we lucky, hey? But what about all those things that somehow made it past the design phase and managed to get out into the commercial world yet none of us have a need for them? Not all tech is as handy or useful as its creator thinks and there are many gadgets out there that will leave you asking just one question: why?
Don’t get me wrong, there are probably many people out there who feel that they need a spoon that tells the time or a device that makes their boiled eggs square but if you really stop and think about it; are these gadgets actually making the world a better place or just getting in the way of things that actually could? Well perhaps this piece will act as some helpful tech PR on behalf of the companies that made these gadgets; or perhaps it will just highlight exactly how pointless they are.
1. Pizza Shears

I’m not saying that kitchen gadgets are useless because some of them can make cooking exciting for even the most uninterested of people but these pizza cutting shears will hardly have the person who invented the pizza cutter shaking in their boots. Who looked at a perfectly good, round, easy to use pizza cutter and thought it needed to look more like scissors? No amount of tech PR is ever going to get any of these sold. I think sales of chocolate frying pans even look good compared to sales of this useless gadget.
2. Electric Candles

Candles are great. Electricity is great. But there will never be a need to combine the two. If you like the romantic ambience that a candle lit dinner creates then that’s fine and if you like the way electric lights let you see the things in your home then that’s fine also, but pick one or the other at any given time. The only way these will ever come in handy is if you have a power cut and you don’t have any matches to hand. But in this situation you better have some powerful batteries if you actually want to use your electric candles to see.
3. QuantumVet Tricorder Plus

Now, I love the animal kingdom as much as the next person but I can’t understand this need some humans have to interact with their pets and find out what they are thinking. It seems we put more effort into this than we ever do into learning the language of the people who live in the country we’re about to visit on holiday. This piece of technology claims to be able to use telepathic instructions from your pets to tell you what they need. I am using my telepathic powers now to strongly urge you not to buy this.
[Read also: 10 Amazing Robot Animals]
4. Retro Mobile Phone Handset

Mobile phone developers have spent years trying to establish technology to reduce the size of our phones and make them easier to carry around, but one person has destroyed all this hard work with one invention. The fact that this retro handset is twice the size of most mobiles is not even the worst thing about it. Who in their right mind is going to walk around with their phone in one pocket and a giant receiver jammed in the other and then have the person who rings them wait while they connect the two in order to have an ironic ‘retro conversation’? Although I have seen quite a few of these sold; no amount of tech PR or marketing is going to have them flying off the shelves or indeed make them any less pointless.
[Read also: When The Power Of Sports and Technology Combined, Great Gadgets are Born]
Hi Peter,
You are right in saying that many of us will never have any need for these gadgets and stuff. It’s funny how people think of all these gadgets but never thought if they themselves would buy what they are trying to sell people. The electric candles are probably the most buyable among all these because they can be placed on churches and helps to avoid unnecessary fire from real candle use. The others, nah.
Hey Emily, you got a point there regarding the electric candles! 🙂
retro mobile headset is just fun you gotta have one of those.
Just to reminice on the old days with the head tilted to the side trying to do everything, lol
haha.. 🙂
Number 4 is just awesome. I was laughing at the cycle of tech. What goes around comes around! 😀
It looks clumsy, awkward… Simply not “tech” to me 🙂
That Retro Phone Handset is really unique. They must sell it to some museum.
Or some clowns! LOL
These are hilarious inventions! The retro headset is the most ironic and disastrous.
I wonder if Apple or Samsung would come out one of these in the future. LOL 🙂
I am truly agree with what of the author has been said or wrote about this gadgets and I really think this gadget is not really worth of your money to spend it. We can live without this gadgets and it is not necessary. I guess there are still lot of gadgets out there that are not so needed.
True! I have an iPad that sits all year round on my table accumulating dust! I rarely use it! I don’t know why I bought it in the first place! Make it 5 Gadgets I Will Never Have A Need For then… LOL 🙂
Hi Peter,
It is common thing in Technology field, sometime inventions went to thrash. It totally depends on innovative ideas which really going to help in day to day use. Let throw those gadgets you mentioned in the post, We have better than those to use in daily life.
Technology is just crazy sometimes. I wonder what kind of funny and useless devices would they made later! Thanks for your comment, Narendra!
hello peter
awesome post. the idea of electric candles is great/ i really never thought about it but yes it can be good for romantic perons
I think real candles are more romantic, Prabhat! 😉
Retro mobile phone handset attached in your smartphone simply looks weird. You are right, we have gone past the age of bulky phones so why relive it.
ha ha.. electric candles.., i don’t know what is the logic of developing electric candle as a gadget.., it seems quite funny.. it is not even romantic.. 😀
BTW nice collection..:)
Wow! Some of them really made me laugh a lot. Especially the electric candles and the retro phone headset.
It shows how creative today’s people are! Well, there is at least one benefit of the electric candle that even wind can’t interfere 😀
Great article. Enjoyed a lot 🙂
Glad you enjoyed reading the article, Mahaveer!
I really liked the retro style mobile headset. It can be a amazing product that you can keep as a show piece.
Hey Peter,
Nice post and Yes, all the gadgets you mentioned above are really pointless specially the electric candles as for romantic mood, the real candle are best and no gadget will beat it. One more thing I really like is the picture of forth point and Yes, this gadget can be used as a perfect show piece. Thanks for sharing this post.
The Retro style mobile handset is great but will miss it in the upcoming future.