There are many reasons for a computer’s speed to be decreased and the one most commonly causing this is an overloaded Windows Registry. The registry is the place where all crucial and necessary files for windows to start up are kept and key entries for software installations are made.
Overloaded Windows Registry
These information is well organized when you first purchased a computer, so the speed of the computer is quite decent initially. As time goes by and you begin to install more software and save more files, the Windows Registry gets overloaded with a lot of outdated entries. There are also possibilities for errors to happen in the entries.
At this point of stage, if the Windows Registry is not cleaned and regulated, the computer slows down. That is why an overloaded Windows Registry is one of the most common causes of a slow PC.
[Read also: How To Speed Up Your Computer]
Use Utility Software
Is your computer running slow? Chances are its Windows Registry is overloaded. So how can you fix this? The answer is with a utility software called – Windows Registry Cleaner.

Windows Registry Cleaner is easy to install and it helps you by regularly scans and removes unnecessary files from the windows registry automatically. It is impractical to manually remove those files by yourself as the windows registry has thousands of critical and important files, if you remove some by mistake, the sky will fall to your head. Please do not attempt to remove files from the windows registry if you are not an expert, you will end up with more problems than just a slow computer.
[Read also: Tips You Can Use to Maximize Your Laptop]
Give Your Computer A Check Up
It is better to use a Windows Registry Cleaner to do the job but you have to make sure that you choose the right product. A good Windows Registry Cleaner not only can identify the problems but fix them as well and works in a way that doesn’t use too many system resources while performing the scan.
There are many good Windows Registry Cleaner available in the market such as, RegCure, PC Speed Maximizer, PC Health Advisor, System Mechanic and so on. I highly recommend RegCure due to its capability and efficiency in recognizing the unwanted files, organizing the files that are critical and scanning the registry and keeping it clean regularly.
After using RegCure, you will see an obvious change in your computer – it becomes noticeably faster.
Hi Peter,
It’s true that there are several reasons why computer runs slow. It maybe because of insufficient hard disk space, bad hardware, Corrupt OS, Outdated drivers or Left over programs and bad files. The usual and advisable course of action especially for non-techie persons is to download a utility software just like Peter mention.
Sometimes the problem is not as complicated as it seems to be. These utility software is one of the MUST have in one’s PC, that’s what I think. Thanks for the comment Veronica.
Im using TuneUp Utilities and it really helps to speed up a bit my pc 🙂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Rosel.
Good article Peter. I agree that cleaning the registry is a great way to speed up a computer. To go along with it, it is a good idea to:
1) Defragment the hard drive
2) Remove unneeded programs
3) upgrade the memory if the computer is still slow
Thanks Dominic. I agree with you, in fact I had an article on How To Speed Up Your Computer which I’ve included 1 and 2. Anyway, thanks for commenting 🙂
Hi Peter,
I just noticed that article on speeding up a computer you mentioned. That article, along with this one, makes for a solid guide :). Nice work!
Thanks Dominic. By the way, I’ve removed the .com from your keyword because it will appear as an email link as “[email protected] recently posted……”. Hope you down mind 🙂
Not at all Peter, I will keep that in mind for the future. Thanks!
How often do I need to clean my registry? Depends on how long I use my computer?
It depends on the factors below Shine :
1. how frequent do you change system configurations
2. the frequency in which you install hardware
3. the frequency you install and uninstall software
If you do any of the above quite frequent, then you’ll have to run registry cleaner more often. Basically, it all depends on how much you use your PC and what you do with it.
Thanks Peter!
I agree with you completely. After I got software to clean up my registry (i chose PC HealthBoost) I noticed a huge difference in my computer speed and performance. Defragmenting my PC helped too. Thanks for the great post!
Thanks for the useful info, Peter. You know I have tried to do all the work myself to defrag and check all the entries, but it just makes me cross-eyed. It is good to know that you can rely on a good registry cleaning software to do the job for you. I appreciate being able to monitor what’s in there when I go to fix the errors. I want to know what’s going on with my PC, but have limited time and know-how to do all the maintenance that is required manually.
Very good useful information. I have had some issues lately with my computer running slow. You suggested some great tips and advice. I cleaned my registry, eliminated any startup programs and ran the disk defragmenter. After all this, my computer is running quicker.
I use my computer an awful lot… and always empty my trash in the recycle bin and have my computer set to defrag 3 times a week. However, I must admit that cleaning my registry never crossed my mind until now. Thanks!