Facebook seems to be the buzz word among many small businesses. Online marketing is the main way for a new customer to find your business. Since ranking in Google is a slow process and paid marketing may be out of the question, Facebook does seem like a pliable way to get business from the internet. In this article, we’ll teach you how to promote your business on Facebook the simple ways.

1. Create a Fan Page
The first thing you need is a Facebook presence in the form of a Fan page. You can create this page from the homepage of Facebook. Before logging in, at the bottom of the sign up form is a link that says, Create a Page. Click this and fill out the information.

An important tip before you name your fan page. Once you choose a name for your page you cannot change it. So pick carefully. You may not want to name it just the title of your business, but choose a name with keywords in that people may find you with. For instance, if you own a garage door install company, you may not want to call it Jim’s Doors. Think of what keywords people are searching for in Google when they are looking for a garage door installation company, such as, Garage Door Installation Dallas.
Once you get 25 fans to your page you will get what Facebook calls a vanity URL. So your fan page will be facebook.com/name-of-your-fan-page. This is where the keywords come into play. Since Facebook is such a huge authority site to Google, your Facebook page may actually rank higher than your actual website for keywords. So choose that title carefully.
Read also: Facebook Legalities – Everything You Need To Know
2. Making Your Page Stands Out
Once visitors arrive at your fan page designate a new tab just for first time visitors. There are many services available online that allows you to build a free Facebook fan page by moving you through a series of templates than helps you install as well. Consider giving a gift to those who like your page, such as a few tips that pertain to your business. A short ebook that again, somehow compliments the service you offer them.
Read also: Facebook is Monetizing Anything and Everything
3. Getting Fans
Of course, having a Facebook presence doesn’t really work out if no one likes your page. The biggest way to get people to become a fan is to offer quality service to them. Once they like you and the service you provide, they will be more likely to visit your page and become a fan. Include your Facebook fan page link in all your publications. Add the LIKE box to your website. Don’t be afraid to create a banner for your store that invites your customers to your page.
It’s also a good idea to offer special incentives for Liking your page. You can offer coupons or coupon codes just for fans of your page. If there are special promotions, make sure your Facebook friends know first.
How to Promote Your Business on Facebook: Conclusion
Having a Facebook page doesn’t just mean inundating your fans with coupons, promotions and sales. This is a place to include information about what you do on a daily basis. Include tips to help your customers. Add pictures so they get to know you and your employees. Make sure to do this on a daily basis.
Slowly, your customers begin to regard you as a friend. When they need something you offer, they will remember the Facebook friend they have to get just what they need.
And that’s what Facebook can do for your business; create loyal long term customers because you allowed them to know you on a daily basis and personal level.
Read also: How to Incorporate Facebook into Your e-Commerce Sales Process
Good starting points. I have done all that when I created a page for my business about a month ago. The real problem seems to be attracting people to become fans. I have invited all my friends several times, but only few joined. No one really interacts with the page, hence it is not listed in their newsfeed. I tried sending private messages, tagging people, etc., but still not much luck. If you have any further ideas of how to get more fans and engage existing ones, please let me know.
Would you give me the URL so that I can have a look on your Facebook fan page Trung?
http:\www.facebook.com/pages/D%E1%BB%8Bch-V%E1%BB%A5-K%E1%BA%BF-To%C3%A1n-360/166736026670895 —> Accounting services
Not much my friends interested in this page 🙂
Sorry Trung, I usually don’t allow links in the comments, so I’ve modified your URL a bit. It appears that it is a wrong link, when I clicked on it, it leads me to FB login page. Check your FB page link, a fan page link should be like this : https://www.facebook.com/computerhowtoguide
This is my facebook page.
Sorry about link. I just want to give you my fan page. This time i place some space in URL 🙂
By the way: have just become a fan of computerhowtoguide 🙂
@Trung : Your Facebook page looks nice and thanks for becoming a fan of our Facebook page 🙂
Hi ,
Interesting Post about the Promote Your Business on Facebook. As we know that Facebook is one of the best and very popular site. and so in my opinion , Facebook is the perfect to promote the business. and mostly people are using and getting benefits. so i am agree with you and now i am going to start new business by the Facebook. well thanks for sharing this post with us.
Great article! As a small business owner, setting up a Facebook fan page was one of the best things we did when we were first starting up. We used a gate page to collect leads, and then followed up with those leads later when w offered our monthly special. That allowed us to keep our clients informed of deals throughout the month. Our Facebook fan page also allowed us to build a decent community of clients that would interact amongst each other.