Are you a proud owner of an Android smartphone? Then you might have come across the term ‘rooting’ whenever you search on the web for Android related queries. Rooting is a common term among Android users.

Image source: amberyu
What is Android Rooting?
Rooting refers to the manipulation of structure of Android mobiles so as to obtain privileged control. Rooting will overcome the hardware and carrier limitations of your Android devices. When you read the benefits of rooting, you would surely feel that it is the most necessary one for your needs and you would almost come to a decision to root your device. But don’t get tempted right away. Just think of the cons or consequences of this event before making such a move.
Following are the most common problems that would arise if anything goes wrong in rooting:
• Rooting the Android device is a complicated task and can be done only by experts. Even if you have how-to-do manuals, it is advised not to try it on your own. Even when you are taking expert help, there are chances that rooting may fail. Since it is not a guaranteed thing, no one gives warranty or assurance while heading for rooting of Android.
• In case, if the rooting fails? What would be the consequences? Have you ever thought about it? If you have, you would most probably never opt for rooting. It is because of the reason that the mobile can become useless upon failure of this process. Your phone will turn in to a brick; that means, unfit for any purpose.
• Most important thing on the legal front is that, rooting your Android device will break any warranties. Whether it is carrier warranty or manufacturer warranty, they will all become void once you take up this process. That means, if anything goes wrong and the phone needs repairing, you will have to pay for it to get it repaired.
• On the technical front also, there are possibilities of few mishaps. For instance, the processor of your smartphone might burn out due to over-clocking, burning out of pixels in the screen, etc. Even the SD card might wear out prematurely in such cases.
• There are also chances that rooting will cause increased mobile bills. It is because of the reason that, your mobile can now be able to download huge data to your laptop or any other device when unchecked. So, Android rooting would also cause monetary costs too.
• When overall performance is considered, rooting generally causes instability of Android mobile. It is because of the reason that you are implementing ROMS and best testing alterations before they are actually turned in to daily drivers. So, you can expect better performance, but along with lots of bugs.
You have spent your hard earned money to purchase yourself a smartphone. So, it will not be a good idea to root your phone and make it unstable. It is advised to go for rooting unless you feel the necessity. With zeal to maximize your utilization and performance from Android smartphone, don’t put your device into trouble by rooting it.
[Read also: What Are The Common Problems With Android?]
Agree with you rooting your ANdroid should be done only by experts . But Android gives you so much than user expects Still dont know why people are crazy for Android rooting . earlier this weekend my Friends screen got blank and when he went to service center , he couldnt get warranty due to the same reason
Yes you are right, Rooting process will break your device’s warranty period. You will not be able to able to claim the company warranty on a rooted device.
Hi Tarun,
I recently moved from iOS to android and this is the first time I’ve heard about what you call ‘rooting.’ I don’t want to be bias on which platform is better but I think both have their significant advantages as well as disadvantages over the other. If I’m not mistaken, this rooting thing is similar to jailbreaking, in a sense though. Nevertheless, thanks to your explanation, I would think twice about letting my RAZR HD get rooted.
Android vs iOS is one of the never ending debates bith have it’s own pros and cons and Yes rooting is as similar to Jailbreaking.
Though i have android phone but never tried to root it. I In start of article i thought of trying of rooting my phone, but when read that warranty will not be applicable so left the idea of rooting.
Yes warranty will not be claimed on any rooted device, If you want to root your device then I would suggest you not to root it at least in the warranty period of your device.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Rooting an Andorid Phone….
Jailbreaking an iPhone…
No matter what it is, or what you call it modifying or voiding a warranty on a phone is always going to have some outstanding benefits but at the end of the day, I’ve always thought the cons always outweight the pros.
I might be a little paranoid but I always just prefer to have a warranty behind me.
Really Fantastic post ! Most of the Android users are wanting to root their phone. But it will effect your mobile lifetime
So be careful while rooting
You sound like you have had bad experience rooting. Mind sharing?
yeah I experienced at my Early age
What happened to your phone after rooting?
The software problem arises. Don’t know whether my mistake or the guide.
It happens often. That’s the reason we always advise our readers to take precautions while rooting their phones and following rooting tutorials published on trusted sites only.
Thank you for bringing this topic. It’s legal to root your phone; however, if you do it, your device gets straight out of warranty. Once you’ve unlocked your phone, it changes the conditions of your warranty.
I dont think one should root their phone if they dont have enough knowledge and know-hows. It can allow many apps to do not allowed things on your phone and exploit it via various means.
Yes Raghav you are right, One should root his/her android phone only if he/she has enough technical knowledge about rooting stuff.
Root Android Devices is good and also bad
The Good thing is It provide you access of all features of Android.You can flash Custom roms,recovery,tweaks and overclock it for better performance and many apps need root access for work also
But the bad thing about Rooting void warranty of your device,and format your device data,can soft brick your device…
Thanks 😀
AT&T does NOT void you warranty if you root your device. Period. Don’t believe me, go to a local AT&T store and ASK for yourself.
Ya i accept your topic Tarun!
Because my mobile corrupted by rooting. Is there any solution to rectified. Now it’s not even working, it’s fully corrupted. It’s a Moto G Android Phone.
Luckily I changed from an S3 to a Google Nexus. Since then I haven’t had the want or need to root. Pure Vanilla baby!
It’s true that some companies will just void your warranty, but some won’t and nowadays, you can easily unroot your device too. Plus, there are many reasons to root a device, to get its maximum potential.