10 Essential Steps to Create a Strong Password

In today’s digital age, protecting your online information is crucial. A strong password is your first line of defense against cyber threats, safeguarding personal information, important documents, and sensitive financial data. Understanding how to create a strong password is vital to ensure your online security. Many people opt for simple passwords for the sake of convenience, not realizing the potential risks. To keep your accounts secure, follow these essential steps to create a strong, memorable, and foolproof password.

How to Create a Strong Password

Here are some steps to make an internet-safe and strong password:

1. The Longer, the Better

Internet passwords require at least six characters, but for enhanced security, aim for at least 12 to 16 characters.

Longer passwords are exponentially harder for hackers to crack because the number of possible combinations increases dramatically with each additional character.

By making your password longer, you add an extra layer of security, making it much more difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access to your accounts.

2. Use a Base-Word

A base-word is a memorable series of random words or a phrase that only you would know.

Choose something meaningful and personal, such as the names of your favorite cars, a memorable phrase, or a combination of your children’s names.

For example, if you love classic cars, you might use “PontiacFordDodge” and shorten it to “ponfordo.” This personalized approach makes the password easier for you to remember while still being difficult for others to guess.

3. Put Numerical Values on the Mnemonics

Enhance your base-word by adding numbers to make it more secure.

Choose numbers that are significant to you, such as the year models of your favorite cars, your birthdate, or other memorable dates.

For instance, if your base-word is “ponfordo” and you’re using car year models, it could become “ponfordo697274.” This addition makes your password more complex and harder to crack while still being memorable.

4. Include Punctuation and Symbols

Adding punctuation marks and symbols to your password significantly increases its strength by introducing additional character types.

Symbols like “!”, “@”, “#”, and “_” make your password more complex and difficult for hackers to crack.

For example, if your password is “ponfordo697274,” you can add symbols to make it “ponfordo_697274.” This small change adds a critical layer of security to your password.

5. Take Advantage of Upper and Lowercase Letters

Mixing uppercase and lowercase letters in your password adds complexity, making it significantly harder to guess.

Instead of just using lowercase letters, capitalize some letters in a pattern that is memorable to you.

For example, “ponfordo_697274″ can be enhanced to “PonForDo_697274.” This variation increases the password’s strength without making it difficult for you to remember.

6. Put a Personal Clue for Your Password

Create a personal hint that only you would understand to remind you of your password.

Use another meaningful base-word or phrase related to the theme of your password.

For instance, if your password is centered around your favorite cars, your clue could be “MyAmMuscle” for American muscle cars.

This way, your full password “MyAmMusclePonForDo_697274” becomes easier to recall while remaining secure and unique.

7. Avoid Common Words and Phrases

Steer clear of using easily guessed words, phrases, or predictable sequences such as “password,” “123456,” or “qwerty.”

Hackers often use dictionaries and lists of common passwords in their attempts to gain access.

By avoiding these and opting for more unique and random combinations, you significantly increase the security of your password.

For example, instead of using “password123,” you could create a more secure option like “PonForDo_697274” as previously illustrated.

8. Use Password Managers

Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords for your different accounts.

These tools securely store your passwords and can automatically fill them in when needed, eliminating the need to remember multiple passwords.

Password managers also encourage the use of unique passwords for each account, which enhances your overall security posture.

By using a password manager, you can effectively manage and protect your passwords without the risk of forgetting them or resorting to weaker alternatives.

This approach not only simplifies your password management but also strengthens your defenses against potential cyber threats

9. Regularly Update Your Passwords

Changing your passwords periodically is important to maintain security.

Even if your current password is strong, regular updates decrease the likelihood of it being compromised over time.

Aim to change your passwords every few months or at least once a year, especially for sensitive accounts like banking or email.

This practice ensures that even if a password is somehow leaked or exposed, it becomes outdated quickly, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your accounts.

10. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible for your accounts.

2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring not only your password but also a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone or generated by an authentication app.

This additional step significantly enhances the security of your accounts, even if someone manages to obtain your password.

Many online services and platforms offer 2FA as an option, so take advantage of this feature to further protect your personal information and data online.

The Big NOs with Passwords

  • Do NOT tell your password to anybody; and that means ANYBODY at all.
  • Do NOT make your password your trademark; avoid writing it down and leaving it behind on tables, chairs, etc.
  • Be cautious about the websites you sign up for on the internet that require passwords; they might be hacking instruments administered by hackers who want your password.

Read also: What to Do When You’ve Been Hacked (Vital 10 Things to Do)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) What is an example of a strong password?

A strong password is typically long, uses a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, includes numbers and special characters, and avoids common words or predictable patterns. For example, “PonForDo_697274″ is a strong password because it combines a base-word (“PonForDo”) with numbers and symbols, making it difficult for hackers to guess.

2) What are creative methods to make a password strong?

You can use a lyric from a song or poem and adapt it into your password, enhancing it with numbers or symbols for complexity. Alternatively, select a meaningful quote from a movie or speech and adjust it to fit your password criteria. You might also take a passage from a book, modifying it to include various elements that increase its security. Another approach is to create a series of words that are personally meaningful, integrating them with numbers and symbols to make the password stronger. Lastly, consider forming an abbreviation by using the first letter of each word in a sentence or phrase you enjoy, ensuring it includes a mix of characters.


Creating a strong internet password is essential in safeguarding your online presence and personal information. By following these 10 steps, you can significantly enhance the security of your passwords:

  1. The Longer, the Better: Opt for longer passwords to increase complexity.
  2. Use a Base-Word: Create a memorable base-word or phrase as the foundation of your password.
  3. Put Numerical Values on the Mnemonics: Incorporate numbers related to your base-word to add security.
  4. Include Punctuation and Symbols: Integrate special characters to further strengthen your password.
  5. Take Advantage of Upper and Lowercase Letters: Mix uppercase and lowercase letters for added complexity.
  6. Put a Personal Clue for Your Password: Use a personal hint to help remember your password.
  7. Avoid Common Words and Phrases: Steer clear of easily guessed words or sequences.
  8. Use Password Managers: Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong passwords.
  9. Regularly Update Your Passwords: Change passwords periodically to maintain security.
  10. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Implement 2FA for an additional layer of security.

By implementing these practices, you can create robust passwords that protect your accounts from unauthorized access. Remember, the security of your online information starts with a strong password.