A motherboard is essentially the central piece of your PC. It has the function of connecting all the vital parts together to form a complete whole PC. But the question remains: how to choose the best motherboard if you don’t even know where to begin?
In today’s article, we’re going to reveal a simple method that will serve as a good starting point for making a good investment.
What type of user are you?
While this question obviously has more to do with you than any specific type of motherboard, answering it is absolutely essential for determining the best type of motherboard for your specific needs. Hardcore Photoshop users will probably want to go after a model that supports adding a generous amount of RAM, and dedicated gamers will probably want to have a little bit of everything to construct an overall-strong machine that offers the best performance with the shortest response times.
Compatibility concerns
Check the socket on your CPU, since it needs to match the one found on the motherboard. Also, it’s a good idea to check online whether your CPU has been approved to work with the motherboard you’re about to purchase. Also, if you’re planning to use multiple graphics cards at the same time, you need to be careful about choosing a motherboard that supports it.
Thinking about overclocking?
Not all motherboards are created equal, and certain chipsets aren’t suitable for overclocking. Since gamers and power users mostly tend to gravitate towards overclocking their motherboards, it’s a good idea to check this before deciding on a purchase. Also, you need to bear in mind that overclocking, in general, puts a lot of stress on the motherboard, which may have a negative effect on its overall lifespan.
Online reviews
After getting a broad idea what you’re looking for, the next step is to narrow down your search to a pre-selected array of products and see what the reviews are saying. For example, Googling for a z170 motherboard guide will show you the best products in this specific category, which you can then drill down ever further and hopefully discover something that you’ll be happy with.
Budget and performance considerations
While setting a budget (and sticking to it) is important, this is meant to be taken as a loose guideline only. A much better approach is to chase after a good ratio of price versus performance. That way, you’ll get the most bang for your buck. However, if you already know you’re a power-user like most of the gamers are, this rule can also be broken, since the modern video games require top-notch hardware to run properly. This is especially true if you consider yourself a competitive gamer who participates in a lot of tournaments on a regular basis.
Learning about which motherboards are the best is a long-term process that shouldn’t be rushed. Take all the time you need, get educated, and read all the reviews you can find before committing to the final buying decision. After doing your due diligence, don’t be afraid to go after the motherboard you’ve laid your eyes on!
[Read also: Tips to Help You Install a Motherboard]
[Image via: Google Images]