Google AdSense Alternatives That Work

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways to make money online, but, sometimes you may need to try one of the Google AdSense alternatives.  This could be because you want to try another advertising network or more likely because you have had trouble with Google AdSense, either by not following their strict guidelines or just had unsuccessful campaigns.

Google Adsense Alternatives
[Read also: How To Make Money With Google]

Have you tried any Google Adsense alternatives that work? We would like to know.

Are There Any Google AdSense Alternatives?

Whatever the reason for trying Google AdSense alternatives, this article will provide you with a lowdown of some of the most popular alternatives.  Believe it or not, there are many out there, so we will just look at some of the better Google AdSense Alternatives.

Clicksor Instead of Google Adsense

The first of the Google AdSense alternatives we will look at is Clicksor.  This is a very popular advertising network and operates similarly to AdSense.  IT is free to sign up and allows you to earn money through a variety of ad types including contextual ads and text ads.  You can earn as much as 60% of the revenue share, depending on the performance of the ads on your website and how many clicks they receive.  Payment is made every 2 weeks either by PayPal or a check, when you reach the payment threshold of $50.  One downside is that Clicksor ads are often seen as being irritating to users, so that is worth bearing in mind.


Is adBrite A Bright Move?

Perhaps one of the oldest advertisement networks is adBrite.  adBrite is very popular and unlike the other Google AdSense alternatives, adBrite specialise in banner ads, which are sold to their clients who may want to advertise on your site or blog.  It is also free and very easy to use.

(Update Feb 1, 2013: adbrite has ceased operation)


Content Can Mean Profit with Kontera

You will already be aware of Kontera, even if you do not know that name.  They use in-line contextual ads that underline keywords in a site or blog.  When a visitor to the site highlights those words, it brings up a pop-up advertisement related to the keyword.  This can be very annoying and is probably better suited to blogs that are rich in content.


Check Out Chitika

An interesting blog advertising group, that you may have seen on sites like for instance, is Chitika. They have a network of literally thousands of blogs and websites with merchants and brand advertisers.  If you are writing a product based blog, then Chitika may be right for you, allowing you to earn as much as 10% in referrals.  Chitika pay-out is either by PayPal (minimum $10) and checks (minimum $50).


Infolinks In-Text Advertising

One of the most popular text link advertising is Infolinks. Basically, the advertisement is advertized using the text in our blog. Advertiser chooses a keyword for his advertising campaign and when that particular keyword matches the content on your blog, the advertisement will be displayed on the keyword. When visitors click on the keyword, you will earn for every click made. Minimum payout is $50.


Google AdSense Alternatives – Try One!

It is clear that there is competition out there.  Research the Google AdSense alternatives further and find the advertising network or company that offers the best program and ad styles for your websites or blogs.  You may find that you can earn as much, if not more, by using one of the Google AdSense alternatives.

Any Google Adsense alternatives that you know of? Let us know in the comments.


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    • Peter Lee
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