If you run your own business, small or large, social networking can be a great tool for getting your brand out there. It is important to understand that your businesses brand needs to be about more than just your logo, fonts and color scheme. These things are certainly important and should be incorporated into any social networking page you have where possible, but more important in the world of social networking is your company’s personality.
Getting the logo and color schemes right is fairly easy particularly if you use digital brand management software, but putting your company’s personality across is far harder.

How do you or people you know use social networking to help their brand? Let us know in the comments.
What is your company’s online personality?
Social networking is a very personal platform; you will be talking to your customers in the same forum as they use to interact with their friends. You need to make sure that you are talking about things that are relevant to your customers and to your company. The things you decide to talk about, the way you express yourself and the opinions you give all help customers associate you with a personality. Your Facebook page and posts should be less about advertising your products or services and more talking about things that will be of interest to people who like these products.
[Read also: 5 Strategies to Engage Your Audience on Social Media]
Why does your company need a personality?
You are trying to help customers perceive your company as something they agree with and want to support. They are going to buy from you because they agree with what you stand for, or they think you are the cool place to shop or best yet they almost consider you to be a friend. If you’re successful at this you will have establish brand loyalty and customers will shop from you first and keep coming back. This is obviously great for your business.
[Read also: How to Leverage Professional Headshots for Personal Branding]
How do you do this?
Create accounts on all the key social networking and sharing sites, start with the big ones like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube then post regular content that is of genuine interest.
Make fun YouTube videos about your product, and make your Twitter feed the go to place for news on your product. Make it something people will want to interact with. Then promote your sites as much as you can to get people following them and it should start to drive online business to your company.
[Read also: How to Incorporate Facebook Into Your e-Commerce Sales Process]
And finally…
This job isn’t a one off, you’ll need to keep working at this regular, making it a place that people will want to keep checking back to. A successful brand will really pay off though and with time you should get as much from it as you put in.
[Read also: 5 Reasons Why Pinterest is Becoming the Best Social Media Marketing Tool]
What is your opinion of using social networking in building a brand? Add your comments here.
Social network participation can really affect a brand in so many ways and that is why we need to represent ourselves very well on social media websites for good results. Thanks Campbell for this great post 🙂
I think the most important aspect of social networking is that you need to benchmark, test and verify the results. Most people probably don’t know how good social media can be for their business, and many don’t realize how effective social media is.
You’re right, but I think this is changing, more and more people see social media as a great way to go, the trouble is they see it as easy free advertising which is not usually the right approach. Social media needs to have just as much attention if not more than any other form of advertising
well Social networking sites plays a vital role to promote our product or brand now a days, so am working with facebook and twitter really am getting good results from these social networking sites, recently I have joined in google+ hope it will also help me…thanks for the post Ewan
Good luck with this, thanks for reading!
Smart businesses have figured out how to use social networking to further their business’s goals. One of the most common and effective ways to use social networking is to use it to better establish your brand. The first way to do this is to bookmark a few blog articles to social networking sites and directories. There are a few tools online that will submit your article sites to different social directories and network sites. This will help search engines, as well as regular internet users, to find them. Using these types of tools is an excellent way to widen your reach beyond people who normally know about your brand.
yes defiantly, just make sure you focus on the keywords that people who are going to buy from you will be searching for.
Social media really helps a lot in developing more your brand and to your business as well. Social media is the best way to promote your business and to your business as well.
It’s one of many really important tools, I’m not sure everyone would agree it’s the most important, I guess that depends a lot on your industry
Social media is now designated a tool to market your business online effectively. It’s a great tool to get presence online and somehow build reputable brand. So true, you have to invest TIME and effort maintaining accounts regularly. Consistency and valuable content is a plus.
yes, like most things in life you don’t get back more than you put in
Make social media your best friend because it can address two of the biggest challenges we face, time and money.
time and money? possibly, but to do it well it can be quite time consuming, it also shouldn’t be considered free advertising, good luck with selling your houses
Well popularity of social media has increased a lot. Social media is indeed good to market your business and to get traffic as well. You can increase your sales also with this.
Social Networking is really important nowadays. There are famous social networking sites there. You know what I’m saying and I don’t need to mention it. Social Networking simply involves people. People are the one who can contributes to your business. Well, let’s just follow these guides. By the way thanks for posting this.
You’re welcome Arthur.
Glad it was of help
This can help your brand in the way of socializing or let’s say social networking. By means of this, we can spread and label our company just by sharing the details to the people. Most importantly, as mentioned here you need to consider the viewer’s satisfaction. Also, be active and let them always informed about your company or brand so that it will be more interesting.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Benjamin.
It’s very important to know what people are saying about your company – good or bad. You don’t want to be in the dark. Plus, you might find great feedback or new ideas that you can use to improve your product or marketing.
It’s really true that social networks & social media monitoring can help you to connect with your target market & allow you to measure your brand’s perception. Great post.
Social networks & social media monitoring can help you to connect with your target market & allow you to measure your brand’s perception.