If you want to gain a following on Twitter, or simply keep your friends and family entertained , it is important to make the most of the limited word count contained in your posts. To keep people interested, make sure your tweets are relevant, interesting, compelling, or even amusing.

For Businesses Using Twitter, Stick With A Theme
If you’re a business, provide your readers with a reason to keep following you. Stick with a theme that relates to your business, and provide useful information or news pertaining to it. Keeping your customers in the know and engaged in your business is the goal. Not only is this platform a great social tool, Twitter is also a great marketing tool, so use it to your advantage. If you’re strictly using Twitter for social purposes to connect with friends and family, keep things to the point, yet interesting. Adding a dash of humor goes a long way as well.
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Working Within The Character Limitations
Each tweet can only be a maximum of 140 characters. It is actually advisable to keep your tweets at around a 100 character word count, leaving space for the URL and allowing enough blank space for people to re-tweet. Think of it as somewhat like a headline in a newspaper, it needs to grab the reader’s attention in a few words to pique their interest. The ultimate goal is then for the reader to take some course of action, such as clicking on a link, re-tweeting the post, or continuing to follow you.
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Don’t Give Away Too Much Information
To build a successful Twitter community when using it for business purposes, it is important to not give away too much information within the tweet. For instance, if you are having a sale, perhaps mention that a big announcement is coming later that day or tomorrow. The important part here is then to keep your word and deliver on the promise. For example, if you’re promoting a huge store wide sale, don’t provide a link with useless information. Your goal is to get the customers interested, and give them what they are looking for after they click on the link. If you give them what they want, they will continue to follow you.
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Ask Yourself How You Can Make Your Tweets More Relevant and Interesting
Before posting a tweet, take one last look at it to see if it can be improved upon. Ask yourself if it is relevant to your intended audience, and is it interesting? Ask yourself if the tweet is doing its job by promoting your business in a positive way, if using it for business purposes. Spice it up with a little humor if it is lacking something, or remove unnecessary words that really add nothing to the tweet but just take up valuable character space. Mastering the art of writing good tweets can also help your writing improve in other areas of life, so it is a skill worth learning.
Whether using Twitter for personal use or for business purposes, writing effective tweets is a great way to keep connected with your friends, family and/or customers.
[Read also: The Use of Twitter by Politicians]
Hi Peter,
I like Twitter because you have to keep it short and simple. That, and it’s much easier to actually use than Facebook, G+, etc. Although there seems to be a lot more activity going on that is a little difficult to keep up with and follow the conversation at times.
I know I could and should to a little more careful crafting what I post at times though. I guess I get in a hurry and don’t put as much effort into what I post than I should. I do need to work on this a little.
It does take a little practice to get the hang of engaging readers. If I happen to stuck on what to write, I will take a look at the posts from popular tweeters and try to grasp their style and approach, which could also help me understand why they are so popular.
The idea of a tweet is kind of like shouting out to a crowd in a marketplace, to capture people’s attention and interest. It’s kind of intuitive to follow those who make controversial, viral tweets every now and then, not companies who only promote their products 24/7.
This indeed makes it crucial to engage your audience as to priority, especially if you are a product seller or affiliate marketer. It is always good to have a good mix of infotainment and personal thoughts among your promotional tweets. Marketers who blatantly hard-sell their followers always annoy their followers eventually.
I’m not into twitter and more of a Facebook person as twitter seems to be a little bit complex.But twitter is the best way to follow to the celebrities.
I will use the tips you mentioned in the article as it will help me to grow my business as it is a great marketing tool to promote company.
Loved your tip to make the tweets as like the headlines and to the point.Also loved the way to give the information to the users or so called followers as it will captivate their attention.
Last of all the tweets need to be interesting because people want spicy news.original content attracts all.
thanks for sharing all the points very precisely and simply.
Twitter users love to browse through short posts and have a rough idea of everyone’s thoughts. The site was specially designed for that, which is a big advantage for us to focus on. It is in fact a great tool for busy celebrities and business companies, an invaluable social media asset if you ask me!
Yeah, I have tested the short Tweets and it definitely works better. It also helps to place the link about 25% into the tweet, as opposed to the beginning. Thanks for the great article!
Hey Peter, tips you shared are really good but I’m aware of one genuine tool using which you can tweet longer texts, its TallTweets. You must check that out. 🙂
Thanks for mentioning that, Glenn. That’s a very useful tool and for those who are interested in finding out more about this tool (Tall Tweets) can check out the video here.
I agree that you should keep your tweets to a point and you shouldn’t tweet for the sake of tweeting. If I see too many tweets from someone on my timeline I remove them. If someone talk to much, I feel he/she is making too much sound like an empty tin container. If you have something sweet to say go ahead. If you have nothing to say be quite and people may think you are contemplating.