How I Increase My 400 Twitter Followers By 3 Times

Twitter is one of the top social media around and today, almost every blogger and business owner have a Twitter account.

Before this, I had like 400 over Twitter followers and with my simple trick; I managed to increase to over 1300 followers in just one week.

Before you read on, I would like to clarify that my trick does not involve any cash investment as I did not buy any Twitter followers or pay for any Twitter services to increase my followers.

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how to increase twitter followers
Image by xvector on Freepik

Do you have a Twitter account? How many followers do you have? Let us know in the comments.

What have I done?

I followed every follower who followed me. Apart from that, I begin following other Twitter users as well and managed to get some of them to follow me back. It is true that not every Twitter user will follow you back, but if 50% of them follow you back, you will get at least 50 followers out of 100 Twitter users which you have followed.

If you keep repeating the process of following other Twitter users until a limit for instance 1000 users, you might already have around 500 Twitter users following you. The problem which you have now is the amount of users that you are following is about twice your followers. You need to unfollow back those users who did not follow you back in order to have a better statistic.

To be really straight, unfollow Twitter users who did not follow you is not a simple task. You need to list all your followers and check each and every follower whether did they follow you or not. It is a lot of work and you will probably give up the next hour.

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A better way to unfollow Twitter users

Software is there to help people and there is one web application which can solve the problem that most Twitter users are facing. The web application is called ManageFlitter and you can use this tool to unfollow all the Twitter users that did not follow you.

It is simple to use and you can select up to 100 Twitter users at a time to unfollow them with a single click. The best thing of this application is that it is totally free where you can use it at zero cost.

Unfollowing Twitter users who did not follow you is a problem which most Twitter users are facing and you should give a shot on this application if you do not have any paid Twitter services.

[Read also: How You Can Use Twitter for Marketing]

What do you think of this strategy to increase Twitter followers? Do you have any better strategies to share? Tell us in the comments.


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