How You Can Use Twitter for Marketing

Twitter is a great place for the entrepreneurs to promote and market their products or services online. So whether you are a novice or an old player in your business, but want to connect with people over Twitter network, then you have tons for your marketing things over this place. With so many things on Twitter like part chat program and part tiny blog, you will discover that the platform of Twitter is something which can change your interaction methods with your current clients and the potential ones. So if you are looking for some marketing tips and tricks using the platform of Twitter, then you are at the right place. You will find interesting ideas of using Twitter for your marketing. Let’s check them out.

How to use Twitter for Marketing
Image by Freepik

Do you use Twitter for your marketing? Tell us in the comments.

Connect your CEO in social media

Social media is a fantastic place to interact with your market, clients, prospects, bloggers and other influencing elements. However, your CEO taking a social media route can be difficult, especially when your company is a big group or some global company. CEO’s hardly have time to blog or engage at places like social media. However, at Twitter you don’t have to worry much since you just have 140 characters to write as updates, which your CEO can easily afford. If your founder or CEO is able to connect this way, this can be beneficial thing for your marketing.

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Network with bloggers and other media professionals

Being in touch with anyone on Twitter is pretty easy thing to do. Hence you must make sure to connect yourself with bloggers and other media professionals as it will help you in your marketing and PR activities to a great deal. In fact this is quite easy to get connected with influential people rather than mailing or calling them.

[Read also: How I Increase My 400 Twitter Followers by 3 Times]

Come up with special offers and deals

If you deal in retail industry, then you can use Twitter to announce a number of sales offer and good deals to a larger crowd. You can think of using some application to keep people updated about a number of offers and deals coming up in your company. This is a great way to marketing and promoting your products among a large number of people present over Twitter. A number of other brands too have tried and tested this method and have reaped good result out of this idea.

[Read also: X (Twitter) Symbols & Icons – Their Meanings & How to Use Them]

Live updates on conferences and business events

If you have some trade show or any corporate event or conference, you can use the platform of Twitter to update a number of last minute details about these events and happenings. Twitter is a wonderful last minute marketing tool.

Promote webinars, blog articles, news and other things

It is pretty simple to post any link to anything in Twitter. Therefore don’t just shy away from posting blog and news articles on the number of websites which you find relevant to your business like PR coverage, successful stories from clients etc. If you have some other interesting and useful contents like webinars, you can certainly put them for your audience. These things gear up your marketing activities for your business.

Twitter is a great place to carry out your number of business marketing things in many of ways. By trying these above discussed marketing tips and ideas you can simply help your business to promote over the Twitter platform. Try them out; it won’t cost you anything except your time and efforts. Indeed they are certainly worth putting.

Do you think Twitter is a good marketing tool? Do you have any ideas on how to use Twitter for marketing? Let us know in the comments.


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