Have you ever heard of Instagram? If not, here is what you need to know. Instagram is a form of blogging/social media that allows users to post pictures. While you can provide a short description, the most influential posts on Instagram come from the photos – not just the words describing them. This platform has become a hub for creativity and self-expression, attracting a diverse range of users, including photographers, artists, brands, and Instagram influencers.
These influencers have harnessed the power of visual storytelling, using captivating images to engage and inspire their followers. With their carefully curated feeds and visually stunning posts, Instagram influencers have amassed large and dedicated followings, establishing themselves as influential figures in their respective niches. Read on to find out all the ways that Instagram can be used to post highly sophisticated photos with the ability to influence your followers.
1. Location and Travel
Have you ever looked at a photo of a beautiful coral reef or even a beach chair in the sand and found yourself thinking “vacation”? If so, you are not alone. Instagram gives airlines, traveling companies, hotels, and companies in related niches the ability to post something beautiful online. Instead of capturing potential customer’s hearts with descriptions of crystal clear water and warm beaches, you can simply post the perfect picture. You would be surprised at the amount of exposure you can get from posting a beautiful photo- some people will be sharing the location, yes, but you will also be admired by those appreciating your photography work.
2. Food
Everybody eats. Perhaps that is the reason that so many people (both professionals and non-professionals) take to social media to share pictures of food that they have prepared. After all, sometimes you are just incredibly proud of the meal you put in front of yourself.
Posting pictures of food can benefit influencers from any number of industries. It can benefit various food manufacturing companies (such as cheese, seasoning, or soup companies) who want to show what their product can contribute to making. It can benefit fitness bloggers who want to show their followers how good being healthy can taste. This makes sense, considering the first thing that people think after seeing a scrumptious meal is, “How can I make that?” Thanks to the social media influencer, everyone is a Google search away from someone who can tell them how to cook it.
3. Activism
Photography can make an impact, especially when it is unveiling the sad truths of the world that we live in. Many influencers use Instagram to spread awareness of some of the wrongs in this world, whether it be starving children in another country or homeless struggling in the streets of your country. The reason that Instagram is so effective for this is the photography. A sad and startling photograph can have an impact on people’s hearts and souls.
4. Fashion
What better way to show off your latest line than with stunning photos on Instagram? Whether you are trying to sell people on your specific clothing line, it can be especially helpful to convey a certain type of feeling. Is your clothing line meant for the club scene? Try photographing with a fun background that shows off how much enjoyment your models are having while wearing your close. Are you trying to convey a carefree feeling with your swimwear line? Have your models play volleyball or Frisbee on the beach. You can convey nearly any emotion that you want with your backgrounds and attitudes, so take advantage of this to catch the public eye.
5. Art
What better way to showcase art on the Internet then with a photograph? Artists of all types can gain publicity on the Internet, especially on a site like Instagram where the only thing people look at is pictures. This means you can showcase your sculptures, paintings, photographs, graphic art, and so much more. Anything that you can put on display can be displayed on Instagram. The great thing is that if people like your work, they can easily follow you without having to try and search for you on the Internet or make time for a gallery show. Instead, they see all of your latest pieces in your news feed.
So, How Influential is Instagram?
Pictures seem to speak words in today’s generation. There are people, including Instagram influencers, who have gained fame, and companies that have gained exposure simply by keeping their Instagram posts up to date. While there are plenty of other marketing platforms to choose from, many companies find themselves turning to Instagram, whose most recent statistics show 500 million users that are active at least once per month. That is a pretty astonishing number, and it is easy to see why.
Photographs seem to catch the eye of people on other social media sites quite well, so when you work on a site built purely on the photographs you take, like Instagram, you can make statements in new ways. Instagram’s influence can be seen in a number of areas, particularly through the rise of Instagram influencers who have mastered the art of creating engaging visual content. If you’re looking to benefit from this influential platform, find out how Instagram could work for you today.