Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

There are just 3 days left to Christmas and 10 days left to 2012, we here at would like to wish all our readers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

WordPress Plugin : Let It Snow!

If you are aware of the snowing that is happening to our theme here, it is the wonderful effect of a WordPress plugin called : Let It Snow! It is a very cool plugin that is easy to install and if you want to have a snowing effect on your WordPress blog too, download Let It Snow!

Update : We have deactivated Let It Snow! on Jan-01-2012

From Blogger to Self-Hosted WordPress

With the encouragement and advice from some fellow bloggers, had finally migrated from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. The transition was not as hard as it was first thought, it was actually kind of fun, a learning process and great experience.

For further information on our migration, please read :

Our New Year Resolutions

  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Live a healthier lifestyle (to workout at least 3 times a week)
  • Get organized
  • Write more quality blog post for
  • Learn more blogging tips from fellow bloggers

What’s your New Year Resolutions? Tell us in the comments.

Fellow Bloggers

I would like to take this opportunity here to thank some fellow bloggers/friends :

They are very good at what they are doing and I’ve learned a lot from them and their writings. I am a regular reader of these awesome blogs and I strongly suggest you all to pay their site a visit.

Zeitgeist 2011 : Year In Review

Lastly, I would like to end this article with this video on how the world searched with Google in 2011, enjoy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone 🙂


  1. Atish
    • Peter Lee
  2. Zainil
    • Peter Lee
  3. PrIyAnGsHu
    • Peter Lee
  4. Rick Robinette
    • Peter Lee
  5. Christopher
    • Peter Lee
  6. Mark
    • Peter Lee
  7. Alan Tay
    • Peter Lee
  8. Brad
    • Peter Lee
  9. Ray
    • Peter Lee
  10. Paul Jones
    • Peter Lee
  11. Veronica
    • Peter Lee
  12. Nicholas
    • Peter Lee
  13. moirai
    • Peter Lee
  14. Henry
    • Peter Lee
  15. Andy
    • Peter Lee
  16. Joyce
    • Peter Lee