In today’s world, mobile phones have become the need of the hour. There was a time when mobile phones were used solely for the purpose of communication. However, nowadays the scenario has changed drastically. Today, mobile phones tend to play a very huge role in each of our lives. Apart from its primary purpose of communication, a mobile phone is also used for a large number of other activities as well. Gone were the days when we would settle down for any mobile phone at large. Today all we buy are smartphones.
Smartphones are specifically known for the wide array of applications that they make available to the users. The Google Play Store itself consists of many interesting applications that are downloaded every minute and second. People believe that these applications bring ease and convenience in their lives and are always on the lookout for some or the other application. Our further discussion would be focusing on development of Android Apps.

Developing an Android App – The Theory
Like we all know that developing an Android App is definitely not a cakewalk. It involves a lot of research, efforts and clarity of thoughts from our part. For those who would like to develop an Android app, the first sensible move would be to study the necessary material and get hold of concrete information. You can begin by getting your hands into some of the books that are available in the market that act as a guide for Android Application developers. Apart from this, you can also go through a number of videos that tend to offer tutorials. Once this is done you can even consider glancing through some of the online forums that are certain to provide you with the much wanted assistance. This is the first step of your Android App development journey and thus needs to be completed with utmost dedication and commitment.
Developing an Android App – The Practical
Once the theory part is taken care of, the next step is to move to the practical arena. One vital skill that is mandatory in order to be able to successfully develop an Android App is the knowledge of programming. If you don’t have knowledge about programming languages then you can try to learn these courses online or get yourself enrolled at centers that can assist you with the same. It is important for you to be well acquainted with Java as well as the Android Software Development Kit. If you want to save your time on learning programming languages then you can opt for an online software that can help you develop your app. However, the only hitch here is that you won’t be able to exercise complete control on the ongoing process and thus the end result wouldn’t necessarily be in sync with your expectations. Hence, it is desirable to either grasp the programming language or hire cheap freelancers from site like fiverr who can help you with this particular task. You can choose any one out of the two above mentioned options.
Programming is crucial since it has direct relation with the point of time when the app would be introduced in the market. It is always ideal to push the programming process so as to be able to test customer responses in time. Get yourself well acquainted with the above mentioned tips, hence designing your dream app is sure to become a reality.
very informative article. a great share.
Glad to know that you found it informative 🙂
Hi Tarun!
glad to read your blog.i m also interested in android development but the problem my specialization on the .NET framework and u defined if you have not interested in java then other way to do this .so i will try to use this software.
thanks for joining this blog………
Thanks for liking my blog.
Will love to hear your experience after using the software.
core java is used by beginners android app developers.
Yes Ashish you are right, Recently Google has also introduced the Android Scripting Environment (ASE) which allows third-party developers to build simple Android applications with perl, JRuby, Python, LUA and other dynamic scripting languages.
Awesome post. Really i am here to thankful. i have worked in .net frame work which you defined. i am interested in android development. now i would like to use of this software.great job.thanks for this post .
Go ahead with the software and don’t forget to share your experiences with us.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Amazing article. I’m interested in android development but the problem is my specialization on the .NET framework. I have worked in .net frame work which you defined. Thanks to tell about it.
Hi Tarun,
Your have share an excellent article on How to learn Android and develop application. Android is easy as compared to others web technology. It gives the better look and feel. I like to Android and I want to learn Android technology. Thanks for sharing good work.
Thanks for liking the article 🙂
I have some experience in Java programming and tried to get into Android app development a few months ago. I never did get the app project completed due to time constraints, but maybe I’ll give it another go in the future.
Thanks Adam for stopping by, I will be glad to hear your experiences once you complete your project.
Hi Tarun,
I’ve always wanted to make an android and an ios app. I have very little programming experience because the flash and java courses that I took in college were only elective subjects, just to fill my load so to speak. If I can only program the next big thing after angry birds, then that would be a blast. However, it takes more than programming knowledge to do that as the concept and gameplay are also equally important.
Android app development is providing better opportunity in careers because it is most popular and fast growing field for any mobile application developers. Thanks for sharing an informative post.
A useful guide to Android developers. Demand in Android developers is increasing, since the usage of Smartphone has increased tremendously especially Android mobiles.Thus the Android app development is providing a strong career growth development for many of us.