When designing an app to be used by mobile phone users, there are some considerations that must be met. While some of these are rather obvious, many app designers do not stop to contemplate their applicability to the design of their app. By taking the time to think through these considerations, your app is more likely to be successful.

1. Think about users
Are you targeting users using iPhones, Androids or BlackBerry? Anytime a product is developed, including apps, the consumer who will be using it must be taken into account. Of all the steps of app design, this is key and should occur first. Too often designers just ponder the function of the app. They also need to consider the context in which it will be used. Brainstorm possible users and how they might interact with the app. This can often lead to tweaks being made into the original design when you realize your target audience will need certain aspects added or taken away. Anyway, what is important is each smartphone has their own features and with the fast changing landscapes, the apps design needs to be compatible with all and stay evergreen to be.
[Read also: How to Develop A Hacker-Proof App: Useful Tips for App Developers]
2. Sketch out a design
Once the purpose and functionality of the app have been determined, the next step would be to sketch out a design. The design should not be considered final but rather a work in progress; it’s more than likely that there will be edits made along the way. Make sure your app has some unique aspects in comparison to other apps on the market. Otherwise, it may not be successful if there’s already one on the market.
3. Be unique
There could be many more similar apps out there already, so how do users know the difference between your app and the others? Try to make your app different and unique by giving it an awesome looking logo or you could use a striking color in the app to make it stand out among others.
[Read also: What Has Caused The Rise of The Mobile App?]
4. Keep it simple
In designing the app, remember: less is best. Users do not respond favorably to apps with cluttered screens. They want sleek, streamlined apps that are easy to use and fulfill the intended purpose. You may have to evaluate what is really important in the design of your app.
5. Don’t forget to test it!
Lastly, testing is another important step. This would of course include testing to make sure the app works. However, do not forget to test out your app with a sample demographic group that you are targeting. These users will provide valuable feedback to help you shape your app before released.
[Read also: How to Develop an Android App]
What are your experiences? Do you have any apps designing tips you would like to share? Please leave them in the comments.
We all Want to make a Good APPS and according to me this article gives us the good and golden way for a good apps….. thnxx Peter
You are welcome Vivek. Hope to see you around.
Hi Peter, testing is so very important – as I am sure you know.
there are so many ways software can glitch. Not testing would be a very foolish and amateur thing to have happen.
serious testing should be considered a necessity.
That’s right David! App developers can use services such as Apkudo to run a test on their apps. Android has a wide range of devices each with different hardware, screen resolutions and android versions. Apkudo can test the apps on almost all the devices available in the market. Making sure the apps work before launched.
Great read! Designing phone apps requires a lot from the developer, the time, market research and so many other useful things. These tips that you have just shared are a MUST for anyone having plan to design an app in future to come. I’m glad you have shared this @Lee.
Thanks and have a great day
I’m glad you found this article useful. Thanks for reading.
I really love to design various types of Apps. But when i entered into blogging arena then i leave designing.
BTW Really helpful tips for designer. They should follow this tips. Specially test Phase. Which is most required points.
Thanks Peter for sharing this tips with us.
You were an app developer before, Amit?
Yep Peter 🙂 I know C Sharp and Java with SQL DATABASE.
I know ASP.NET too to desg Online Apps too.
You are one talented guy Amit! So when could you teach me all those skills? 😛
To make it easier on app developers, companies have created online tools that speed up the development process. Unfortunately, making the development time shorter usually results in a rush to market. When this happens, the design often suffers.
The following tips ahead are true and I definitely agree with this. Being unique but simple is the best design that you can do. Thanks Lee for sharing this!
Though, I am not into any phone apps designing stuff. However, i really liked all the tips you mentioned in your post. THanx.
You are quite right! When designing phone apps, we must consider the basic needs and what it can provide for users, so they can be attractive and popular.
Before we design an app, we usually do a research in the market in order to get our ideal effect.
Hi Lee, Excellent advice on creating user friendly mobile application. The first point i seem plays very important role in mobile application designing. I believe better usability can increase the possibility to make application successful. Other points are also important and can come as a piggybacking. Thanks a lot for the useful sharing…