I’m going to share a cool and simple trick here today on how to make your computer talk. Go to Control Panel and click ‘Text To Speech’, change the …
Technology has moved forward dramatically in a few short years, and more people than ever are connected to the Internet, many of whom have never even asked themselves the …
Thinking of buying a new computer and don’t know what to do with the old one? The best option is to sell the used computer or you might want …
When it comes to modern technology you don’t find anything that’s more popular than Apple’s tablet creation the iPad. If you have decided to buy an iPad, but are …
As a student, writing your paper works especially in thesis-making really consumes a lot of time. The typing alone is really a burden plus the editing, which requires you …
If you are unsure on how to use your Amazon Kindle device, the following steps should prove helpful to you. Having Your Kindle Device Be Recognized By Your Computer …
Facebook seems to be the buzz word among many small businesses. Online marketing is the main way for a new customer to find your business. Since ranking in Google …
Same Old, Same Old It’s hardly a surprise that Facebook’s f8 announcement came the day after Google+ came out of beta and opened to public subscription. It’s also hardly …